My intention with this page is to present evidence that strongly suggests that the so-called “coronavirus pandemic” is a long-planned, sinister plot hatched by the forces of evil.

1. Major revelatory ritual performances:

The 2012 London Olympics Opening Ceremony. Note: I did not make these videos so I don’t agree with every observation. I merely picked them because they happen to show what I want to show. A couple of standout things for me are:

  • the uncanny resemblance of the stadium, as viewed from above, to the coronavirus (seen at 5:03)
  • the blatant in-your-face show of “dancing nurses”
  • the huge, demonic statue of Death
(I had to remove the audio to avoid a copyright strike. The original video can be found here.)

Next, we have the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games Opening Ceremony. Notice the many coronavirus models, including the large one with spikes coming out of it, illustrating the now well-known spike proteins:

Note that if you add 333 months, 33 weeks, and 3 days to this opening ceremony, it brings you to 12/14/2020, the date of the first vaccine administered in the U.S.A. Read on to understand the significance of the number 33.

2. Predictive programming in TV, Films, video games, etc.

Next let’s look at some of the hints that they drop in pop culture media. The wicked rulers of this world have their plans for the world. Often, through those in the know, these plans slip out into cultural art forms such as books, film, TV, video games, etc. Sometimes in highly stylized ways, other times it is quite explicit. In some cases the plans don’t slip out, but appear to be intentionally revealed to the public. People call this “predictive programming”, because they assume it’s some form of subliminal mass mind preconditioning. Others consider it a type of karmic legal immunity, others a warning, and others consider it just pure mockery. However, though I can speculate, ultimately I don’t know the reason they put things in media, and it could be different reasons in different cases. Nevertheless, through these media hints we can discern their plans, though only “as through a glass darkly”.

Anyway, let’s begin. Here is a book from 2017 from the Asterix series of books, titled ‘Asterix and the Chariot Race’. In the story, and one of the chariot race competitors has a driver called ‘Coronavirus’ whose distinguishing feature is that he wears a mask:

Here is a scene from the film Captain America (2011), showing a corona beer and something that resembles the now well-known shape of the coronavirus.

The video game Spider-Man (2018) showcases propaganda slogans which would be used in the future:

As does the video game Resident Evil 2 (released Jan 2019):

Let’s zoom in a bit:

Let’s take a look at an old Batman comic book from 1996, keeping in mind that the coronavirus pandemic is allegedly caused by a bat and occurs near the beginning of the apocalypse (my opinion):

A similar idea here:

Speaking of bats, I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that the U.S. Mint put a bat on the back of the 2020 quarter coin:

But I digress. A common phenomenon is for those “in-the-know” to release works of fiction based upon actual future plans. Think of Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’ or Orwell’s ‘1984’. Truth is stranger than fiction, so why not make a buck off of it? An example relevant to our topic can be clearly seen in Dean Koontz’s “The Eyes of Darkness” (1981):

A biological weapon contagion, created in a city called Wuhan.
Clearly, this author has taken some creative license with his story.

In the 2007 Japanese anime film ‘Vexville’, a plot is laid out in which a pandemic hoax is created by the government in order to dupe the population into getting a vaccine, which is actually a “cyber-virus” that removes the victim’s humanity (in my opinion, an allusion to nanotechnology):

Along these lines, here is a scene from the 2005 video game ‘Area 51’, speaking of a Luciferian plot to “chip” the population under the guise of vaccinations:

In a more recent example from the TV series Utopia (2020), the plot involves duping the public into sterilizing themselves under the guise of vaccinations. This is not really evidence as it actually came out in September 2020, during the major vaccination drive. However it’s interesting to see how many plot narratives happen to involve a worldwide vaccination campaign concealing a sinister purpose:

Let’s look at the 2009 TV Show ‘V’, which involves aliens, called ‘Visitors’, contaminating flu vaccines with a compound called R6 that “embeds itself into human DNA and sends out a tracking signal detectable by the Visitors”. Again, it is impossible to know for sure how much of this script is based on real plans and how much can be attributed to creative flourish, but it’s worth noting that DNA modification and/or EMF-transceiving nanotechnology are real suspicions regarding the COVID-19 vaccines, which some suspect are being used to clandestinely build the Internet of Bodies:

Here in this 2003 episode of the TV Series ‘The Dead Zone’, they again reveal in fiction a shadow of what is planned in real life. The plot concerns a new, deadly airborne viral disease that originates from China and causes respiratory distress. They introduce the term ‘lockdown’ in a contagious disease context, and even have as a plot element the anti-malarial drug ‘Chloroquine’, which is a reference to the Hydrochloroquine controversy which would emerge during 2020:

In this 2012 episode of the Simpsons, in what could be an instance of Revelation of the Method, the plot involves a fabricated pandemic that causes panic aboard a cruise ship, foreshadowing what would occur in 2020 on board the Diamond Princess cruise ship:

Here is a 2013 rap song from the artist ‘Dr. Creep’ titled ‘Pandemic’. Notice the lyrics ‘2020 combined with Coronavirus, bodies stacking’:

Here is some of the dialogue from a 2017 episode of the Disney TV show “Tangled: The Series”, hinting at COVID related “martial law”-like pandemic restrictions:

This plan is long in the making. Here is an TV commercial from the 1980s for the ’88 Toyota Corona (no, not the Corolla). “The Toyota Corona, the car that everyone’s out to catch.” Get it? Please also note that the number ’88’ is an occult numerological reference to the end of time (which is a whole ‘nother article):

The plan goes even further back. Here we have an old German film from the 1970’s which seems to encompass every aspect of 2020-2021: a controversial pandemic, a dangerous vaccine, quarantines and protests against them, “sick until proven healthy”, pandemic propaganda by the public authorities, people going out in face masks, etc.

One thing about the children of darkness is that they like to release things on certain dates. I assume they do it to give their black magic rituals more power. Anyway, exactly 10 years to the day prior to 3/11/2020, which was the date the global pandemic was declared, this episode of the TV show ‘The Office’ was released:

Note that the number 119 (a reversed 911) is used. 911 is a highly occultic number.

Did you know there was a band called “The Vaccines”, which released an album titled “What Did You Expect From The Vaccines?” back on 3/11/2011, the same date on which the global pandemic would be declared 9 years later?

In this episode of Project Runway, which aired in April 2019, a contestant on the fashion show named “Kovid” Kapoor showcases his fashion creation which – bizarrely – includes a mouth and nose covering. One of the judges even asks “Do you mind putting your mask back on?”, foreshadowing a phrase which, within 12 months, would be heard all over the world. In my opinion, this is just pure mockery.

Also in 2019, Madonna performed in the Eurovision Song Contest a rather “prophetic” dramatic performance, complete with gas masks (which resemble old plague masks), people dropping like flies, veiled threats, and a decidedly satanic aesthetic:

The lyrics from the 2019 Tool song ‘Fear Inoculum’ speak for themselves. Can it be more obvious that this song is about a pandemic founded upon fear, and a poisonous vaccine?:

Watch this extremely dark and dare I say satanically inspired series of videos by the musician ‘Poppy’ from between 2016 and 2019, in which she appears to drop hints of a coming pandemic, focusing especially on the ritual power of the mask:


3. Numerological evidence

The gematria shows that the hand of Satan is at work in this “pandemic”, and pretty much speaks for itself:

Surely just a coincidence.

4. Freemasonic Involvement, or “How could so many people be in on it?”

Most people doubt that such a large conspiracy is feasible. However, existing fraternal orders such as Freemasonry are perfectly capable of acting secretly and at scale, and in fact were structurally designed to do just that. Such hierarchical organizations operate on a need-to-know basis. The lowest degree Freemasons have no idea what the higher goals are. They simply do what they’re told. Those naive men who join their local masonic order just consider it a way to be a part of the community or to gain access to a better position in life. Certainly, the fact that the Freemasonry is an organized conspiracy in service to Lucifer is only revealed in the top few degrees, of which there are 33, signifying the 1/3 of angels who fell with Lucifer. The number 33 therefore is their “calling card”, which they like to leave at the scene of the crime, so to speak.

“For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way.”

2 Thessalonians 2:7

Here you can see the level of freemasonic infiltration of some of our corporate tech giants:

“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.-Confucius

There are plenty of websites and Twitter accounts who document every instance of the number ’33’ in the media and in news so I won’t delve into that here, other than to point out that it’s interesting that there is a freemasonic calling card in the coronavirus genome:

(Original webpage:

But, certainly there is no clandestine, supra-national authority in the world:

Anyway, here you can see why they named the “variants” the way they did, and how in doing so they are paying homage to Lucifer, who they desire to be the cornerstone that caps the pyramid, rather than the “cornerstone that the builders rejected”, aka Jesus Christ the Lord:

5. There’s always an exercise before big events

Whether 9/11, the Boston Bombing, various school shootings, or other events of national attention, there always seems to be an ‘exercise’ or ‘drill’ which happened before the actual event happens, which happens to simulate exactly what transpires during the real event. The COVID-19 pandemic is no different. In this case it was a pandemic “tabletop” exercise called Event 201 conducted by the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. This exercise very conveniently took place in October of 2019, just two months prior to the worldwide “outbreak”.

From their website:
“Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it causes are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms.”
“There is no possibility of a vaccine being available in the first year. There is a fictional antiviral drug that can help the sick but not significantly limit spread of the disease.”
“Since the whole human population is susceptible, during the initial months of the pandemic, the cumulative number of cases increases exponentially, doubling every week. And as the cases and deaths accumulate, the economic and societal consequences become increasingly severe.”
“The scenario ends at the 18-month point, with 65 million deaths.”

Other than the number of deaths, it looks like all went remarkably to plan. At this ‘exercise’, you could even win little coronavirus plush toys, which must certainly be collector’s items by now:

6. Propaganda and blatant media lies

From the very beginning of the “pandemic” many people started noticing discrepancies with what we were shown and being told by the news media. For starters, at the outset, virtually all of the “shocking” footage that came out of Wuhan and broadcast by the major news networks was later discovered to be fake. Those networks would go on to regularly show footage of emergency rooms allegedly filled with COVID patients, some of whom, upon close inspection, were clearly hospital training dummies. Or they would use actors who were pretending to have COVID. Or insiders feigning tears on live TV and failing miserably. Additionally, there were independent reporters visiting hospitals that were allegedly “overrun” by sick and dying COVID patients, only to find them to be virtual ghost towns upon arrival. There were a ton of such videos from all over the world. I watched many of them in 2020 and later witnessed most of the them get taken down by the Big Tech censors. Many can still be found online on alternative video sharing sites. Thankfully, some people managed to capture a small taste of the surreal fakeness that many of us were witnessing back in those days during the “height of the pandemic”.

Covering all the lies and deception that transpired in 2020-2021 really requires its own article, or better yet a multi-volume book, so let’s move on.

7. Celestial evidence

Another thing about our wicked Luciferian rulers – they align major events with astronomical phenomena such as eclipses or other movement of the heavenly bodies. You may remember the much-publicized Great American Eclipse of 2017. It was actually the first of two total solar eclipses crossing the American mainland, the other scheduled to occur in 2024. Over a period of almost 7 years, the two eclipses effectively “x out” the U.S.A. – a none-too-subtle sign of a coming judgment on this country. Specifically, there are exactly 6 years, 6 months, 6 weeks, and 6 days between these two ominous eclipses.

As it turns out, on Dec 14th, 2020, the day of the exact middle point between the two eclipses, the first COVID-19 vaccine was administered in the U.S. And on that same day, there was also another total solar eclipse which occurred in the constellation of Scorpio. Of course, scorpions are best known for delivering a poisonous sting. Scorpio also just happens to be the constellation associated with the Hebrew Tribe of Dan, which is the tribe the Antichrist is prophesied to come from, which tribe I argue Donald J. Trump belongs to, who also happens to be the man who claims to be the “father of the vaccine” and who kicked off Operation Warp Speed, who also bizarrely and incessantly repeats a veiledly self-referential poem about a treacherous snake bite every chance he gets when he’s in front of a crowd.. but again, I digress.

About 6 months later, on May 25th, 2021, the CDC data showed that exactly one half of all Americans were “fully vaccinated”. The next day, a blood moon (aka a total lunar eclipse) occurred, again in the constellation of Scorpio.

7. Biblical correspondence

In the 18th chapter of the Book of Revelation, in the 23rd verse, it is written:

“For thy merchants were the great men of the earth, for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.”

Revelation 18:23

This chapter refers to the destruction of Babylon at the end of the age, during or just before the apocalypse. Babylon is, by most accounts, an end-times reference to the U.S.A., or perhaps the rich nations of the U.S.-led Western establishment. What “sorcery” does Babylon deceive the nations of the world with? Well, if you look at the original Koine Greek, which is the language the New Testament is written in, you’ll see that the word translated as “sorcery” is actually pharmakeia, a word from which we derive our word “pharmacy”, and which means “the use of medicine, drugs or spells”. Now, understanding this, what “pharmakeia” has Babylon “deceived the nations with”, to a degree and magnitude sufficient to merit a mention by God writing about the end of time? Tylenol? Digitalis? Cholesterol-lowering drugs? We can’t know for sure, of course, but a vaccine with sinister intent, using suspicious new technology of dubious safety, hastily pressured on the whole world under a questionable justification sure would seem to fit the description aptly.

8. What can I do if I already got jabbed?

Do not get the COVID-19 vaccine! However, some of you have gotten it already. In that case, the first thing is: please don’t get any more “boosters”!
Now, just repent of the vaccine and pray to Jesus for protection from whatever evil is in it. He will protect you. Do not fear.

Up-to-the-minute information (8/6/2023):

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Categories: covid-19

Dana H


Jennifer Smith · March 19, 2024 at 3:31 am

Wow, this article is good, my sister is analyzing these things, therefore I am going to
tell her.

D · September 3, 2024 at 11:51 am


Keep this in mind

This is huge

Simchat Torah ends nightfal October 25th


From and including: Friday, September 6, 2024
To, but not including Saturday, October 26, 2024

1 month 20 days

4,320,000 seconds
72,000 minutes
1200 hours
50 days
7 weeks and 1 day
13.66% of 2024

I hope you’ve been keeping track of what ive been sending you
Look. Remember 118 or 811
Look where I was just led, to help PAINT this picture
Romans 8:11

But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.

the word “Spirit” is used 261 times in the New Testament this is it’s 104th use… (September 17th is the 261st day of this year- 105 remaining). Remember September 6 is day 250 and the 11th is day 255)

Let’s look at “Spirit”!
The 250th ( September 6) and the 255th ( September 11th) use in the New Testament
Revelation 2:29 ( o by the way, “11“ remaining AND last verse plus confirming “leap year”)

He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

Revelation 11:11 And after three days and an half the spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them.

The word “Jesus” is used for the 707th time from the beginning of the Bible and New Testament with 266 remaining
The 250th use from the end is Romans 16:27
To God only wise, be glory through Jesus Christ for ever. Amen.

and 255th use is Romans 16:3 (notice “24 verses“ apart)
Greet Priscilla and Aquila my helpers in Christ Jesus:

The word “Christ” is used for the 120th time from the beginning of the Bible and the New Testament, 435 remaining- 555 total!

The 250th use of the word “Christ“ from the beginning of the Bible and New Testament is in
2 Corinthians 8:23
Whether any do enquire of Titus, he is my partner and fellowhelper concerning you: or our brethren be enquired of, they are the messengers of the churches, and the glory of Christ. ( Thank you Jesus)

The one and only time “fellow helper” is used.

The 255th use of the word “Christ” from the beginning of the Bible and the New Testament is in
2 Corinthians 11:2
For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. ( speechless)

It’s the 4th and last time “espoused” and “jealousy” are used in the New Testament
the 33th time in the Bible (7th In the New Testament) and last time “virgin” is used

This truly IS a Big Deal verse!


While doing my research
I came across a “revelation”
The “midst” of the word “revelation”
It’s IN the “2032nd” verse from the end of the Bible
Galatians 1:12. WATCH THIS->

“revelation“, it’s 5th use, 5 remaining
in the Bible AND New Testament

For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.


( please, let us not put cartoons and other trivial notes ABOVE “scripture” and it’s ordained and well placed numbers)

All Glory and Thanks be to GOD
Praise Jesus

May we all be blessed and protected on our journey home

See you soon


Sound the alarm

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