Foreword: this article assumes some familiarity with the prophecies in the Book of Daniel, especially the “70 weeks” prophecy. It may be helpful to first acquaint yourself with that most basic of all Christian prophecies, which is what prophesied the first coming of Jesus. Click HERE for a very brief explanation of that fulfillment.

1. The Daniel 12 Prophecy

In Daniel 12:11-12, the angel states:

“From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days. Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days.”

Nebuchadnezzar ended the daily sacrifice at the Temple in Jerusalem in the Hebrew year corresponding to 604-603 B.C. The Muslim Dome of the Rock was built in 687-688 A.D. From 604-603 B.C. to 687-688 A.D. is exactly 1290 years. From 687-688 A.D. to 2022-2023 A.D. is exactly 1335 years. Additionally, from the Dome of the Rock to the founding of the state of Israel in 1948 is exactly 1260 years – the time, times, and half a time of Daniel 12:7.

(Alternative: 1290 prophetic years (464,400 days) from 587-586 B.C. (July 23rd, 587 B.C.), when King Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the temple, also brings you to 687-688 A.D.)

2. Daniel’s 7 Weeks from a Jerusalem Restoration

Daniel 9:25 says Messiah will appear 7 “weeks” after Jerusalem is restored. Hebrew year 5783 (2022-23), which began in the Fall of 2022, marks the completion of 7 full sabbatical weeks* since Jerusalem was returned to the Jews in 1967. (Depending on the shemitah reckoning, this may be pushed back by one year, see bullet point in picture.)

*Counting according to sabbatical weeks is not done by counting arbitrary multiples of seven years, but rather according to historically fixed groups of seven years, which are known as shemitahs or sabbatical weeks.

3. The Suleiman Prophecy

Daniel 9:25 states, Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks.”

69 weeks of years after the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem in 1538-1539 A.D. is 483 (69 x 7) years, which brings you to 2021-2022. However, because Suleiman’s order to rebuild the wall occurred in the middle of a Sabbatical week (1536 AD), the count of sixty-two weeks begins at the start of the next full week: 1539–40 AD. Counting sixty-two weeks from 1539–40, we arrive at 1973–74, the start of the first Sabbatical week following the 1967 rebuilding of Jerusalem. Counting the full sixty-nine weeks from 1539-40 brings us to 2022-23.

That the two Jerusalem rebuilds are separated by sixty-two weeks suggests that both are relevant to Daniel’s prophecy. Remember, in the original “1st Coming” interpretation of the prophecy, the “62 weeks” are the part of it which measured the time between the completed restoration of Jerusalem and the 1st coming of Christ.

4. Blood moons calling out Second Passover

As you can see from the picture below, there is an incredible, symmetrical structure of blood moons spanning 14 years, which centers around May 15-16th, 2022. May 15-16th, 2022 was the date of the obscure Jewish holiday of Second Passover, described in the Book of Numbers, on which someone who couldn’t observe Passover due to being ritually unclean or being “on a long journey” could still observe the ordinance at a later date. Why are the heavens pointing to this holiday? Because Second Passover typologically represents the rapture perfectly, capturing both the Exodus and the return of the bridegroom. It both foreshadows a “second Exodus” and also fits with prophetic clues identifying Jesus Christ as a man “on a long journey” (see Matthew 25:14, Mark 13:34). Furthermore, From May 14th, 1948 (the founding of Israel) to the day before the blood moon on May 14th, 2022 is exactly 888 months. 888 = Iesous (Jesus) in Greek gematria. It is also exactly 74 years. 74 = Jesus in English gematria.

The heavens pointing to Second Passover in 2022 is thus a strong celestial hint that it is about to be fulfilled, and thus that our Lord Jesus – the man on a long journey – is about to return.

5. The Bethlehem Star – a 7 year warning

The “Bethlehem star” of 2015 is a once-in-two-millennia conjunction, mirroring the same conjunction in 2BC, which announced the 1st coming of Christ, and which was what brought the wise men to Bethlehem. Both conjunctions occurred at start of sabbatical weeks, exactly 288 sabbatical weeks apart. 288 days is the average duration of pregnancy for first time mothers (the church is the “man-child” that the Earth is giving birth to). This conjunction occurred exactly one sabbatical week prior to 2022-23.

6. Blood moons – another 7 year warning

2022-23 is one sabbatical week since consecutive blood moon eclipses occurred on the Spring and Fall harvest festivals of Passover and Sukkot (which was part of a greater blood moon tetrad centered on a total solar eclipse). Blood moon tetrads which line up with Jewish feast days are always a sign of impending trouble in Israel or for the Jews. The final blood moon on Sukkot was a super blood moon, a very bad omen pointing to the start of Jacob’s Trouble (aka the Great Tribulation) around 7 years later (specifically, at the beginning of the following sabbatical week, i.e. the shemitah beginning in the Fall of either 2022 or 2023, depending on the shemitah reckoning.)

7. The Fig Tree Generation Prophecy

Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and puts forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh. So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.” -Jesus (Matthew 24:32)

The fig tree is a Biblical symbol for Israel. If the “leafing” of the Fig Tree points to the expansion of her borders in 1949 due to the armistice of the Arab-Israeli War, and you combine that with a biblical generation defined as 80 years, it points to 2029-2030. Subtract the 7-year Tribulation and it brings you to 2022-2023. (Alternate: the leafing may also refer to the passage of the Israeli “Law of Return”, which also took place in 1949, as that caused great population growth in Israel.)

Note: Israel is 80 years old until the day it turns 81, sometime in 2030.

8. The Two Cows prophecy

In the Fall of 2014, on our around the Feast of Trumpets, two cows were born days apart in Pennsylvania and Texas with ‘7’s on their heads – one large, the other small. (According to some reports, they were born on the same day.) These two cows with ‘7’s are considered a latter-day manifestation of the sign given to Pharaoh in the book of Genesis, a dream-warning about seven fat cows and seven skinny cows, denoting seven years of abundance followed by seven years of famine (Gen. 41). Since Jasher 50:7 tells us that there was a 2-year delay between the interpretation of Pharaoh’s dream by Joseph and the beginning of the first year of plenty, this modern manifestation of the sign implies abundance for seven years starting in Fall 2016, and famine conditions for seven years starting in Fall 2023.

9. 2000 Years to 2030 A.D.

2029-2030 (Hebrew year 5790) is exactly 2000 years since Jesus started his ministry. There are a few prophecies in the Bible hinting at Jesus returning after 2000 years (Hosea 6:2, Luke 10:35). There were 2000 years from Adam to Abraham, 2000 years from Abraham to Jesus, and now we’re approaching 2000 years since Jesus. That would complete the 6 “days” of human history and begin the 7th day of “rest”: the Millennial Kingdom of Jesus Christ.

“But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”

2 Peter 3:8

According to the word of God in Leviticus, you’re supposed to start counting shemitahs and jubilees “when you enter the land”. If you therefore use the 1st Aliyah (migration of Jewish settlers to Israel) in 1882 as the point to start counting, then a Second Coming in 2029-2030 would occur right on a jubilee year – the 3rd jubilee since the 1st settlers entered the land. It would also mean that Israel would have “lived” for exactly 3 jubilees, or 147 years (3×49). This is the exact number of years that the original “Israel” – Jacob – lived!

2029-2030 minus 7 years is 2022-2023.

10. Ezekiel’s 390 and 40 year judgments

In the Book of Ezekiel Chapter 4, Ezekiel was told to go to Jerusalem, draw the city under siege on a block of clay, and lie in front of it on his side for 430 days – 390 days for the sin of the House of Israel, and 40 days for the sin of the people of Judah. For the 390 days, he was to put an iron pan between himself (the besieger) and the clay. For the 40 days, there should be no iron pan but just his bared arm.

The first siege represented in this prophecy is the siege of Jerusalem in 701 B.C. by the Assyrians. During that siege, God did not let Jerusalem be destroyed, as He would symbolically put a “wall of iron” around the city. The second siege represented is the siege of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. by the Romans. This time, God let Jerusalem be totally destroyed.

Here’s how the 390 and 40 days come into play. Using the day-for-a-year principle, we know that it really refers to 390 years and 40 years. And from the Book of Leviticus, we know that God multiplies any period of punishment 7 times if there is no repentance.

So, for the House of Israel, the 390 years are multiplied by 7, totaling 2,730 years. From the siege of Jerusalem in 701 B.C., adding 2,730 years brings you to the year 2030 A.D.

And for Judah, we multiple 40 years by 7, totaling 280 years. From the siege in 70 A.D., adding 280 years brings you to the year 350 A.D. From that point, God evaluates whether repentance has occurred, and if it has not, he re-applies the Levitical principle and re-multiplies the period of punishment. Did the Jews repent before 350 A.D. and accept Jesus as their Messiah? Nope! So now you multiply those 280 years by 7, which gives you 1,960 years. Adding 1,960 years to original start date of 70 A.D. brings you to – again – the year 2030 A.D.!

And subtracting the 7-year Tribulation period from 2030 brings you to 2023 A.D.

This is also explained really nicely in this video by CJ Lovik:

11. The Sign of Jonah

In June 2021, a man was swallowed whole by a whale and spit back out, a dramatic and much-publicized fulfillment of the sign of Jonah, which is probably the only sign to be given to the unbelieving world.

12. Noah connections and the numbers 777-783 (the years prior to the Flood)

  • Jesus said His coming would be as in the days of Noah: “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark. And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”
  • Two full-sized replicas of Noah’s Ark were created, one in Europe in 2012, and another in the U.S. in 2016.
  • For the last 10 years, ‘Noah’ has been the most or second most common birth name given to boys.
  • “Marrying and given in marriage” – 2022 was a boom year for weddings, having the most weddings in almost 40 years.
  • Lamech died at age 777 and the flood started 5 years later, when he would have been 782 years old. Israel celebrated its Jubilee in Hebrew year 5777 (2017). 5 years later is 5782, which corresponds to 2021-2022. In gematria, 782 corresponds to the Hebrew word for “affliction”.
  • Methuselah lived for 187 years and then had Lamech. He then lived another 782 years, pointing to the Hebrew year 5782 which, again, corresponds to 2021-2022.
  • The Hebrew word for “dung” corresponds to the number 781 in gematria. In the Parable of the Barren Fruit Tree (Luke 13:6-9), the man who planted the fig tree – a biblical symbol for Israel – says he’s been looking for fruit for 3 years (5778-5781) and hasn’t found any, so let’s chop it down. The keeper of the tree says let’s instead dung it for a year (781 implying the year 5781), and if there’s still no fruit after next year (5782) then we’ll cut it down (in 5783). Again, Hebrew year 5782 corresponds to 2021-2022 (Tishri to Tishri) and 5783 corresponds to 2022-2023. This implies “Jacob’s Trouble” begins at the end of 5782 or the beginning of 5783, or in the 2022-2023 timeframe.
  • Abraham was born 1948 years after creation (i.e. 1948 Anno Mundi). He received the covenant at age 70. 5 years later, in 2023 A.M., when he is 75 years old, he departs Haran to go to a place prepared for him by God. Israel was founded in Hebrew Year 5708, which is 1948. It was 70 years old in Hebrew year 5778. Does the church (Abraham’s children) go to the “place prepared by God” 5 years later, in 5783/2023, when Israel is 75?
  • Curiously, there is only one verse in the entire Bible with the gematria value of 783, and that is Psalms 22:5: “They cried unto thee, and were delivered: they trusted in thee, and were not confounded.”
  • In the 5782nd verse of the Bible, God exclaims, “If only they understood their END” (Deut 32:29)

13. Other Shemitah/Jubilee related stuff

If you start counting shemitahs (aka “sabbatical weeks”, or 7 years) since Israel officially became a nation in 1948, then Hebrew year 5783 which begins in the Fall of 2022 starts the 11th shemitah. Biblically, the number 11 denotes chaos, disorder, and judgment. The number 12, corresponding to the following shemitah (2029-2036), denotes God’s rulership and a perfect foundation, and thus would perfectly align with the establishment of Jesus’ millennial kingdom.

Note: Again, depending on the shemitah reckoning, this may be pushed back by one year, see #2.

👆Either 2022-2029 or 2023-2030, depending on the Shemitah reckoning.

Hebrew year 5783 (2022-23) starts the 354th shemitah since Daniel’s weeks prophecy began to be fulfilled (according to one interpretation) by the Jews’ return to Jerusalem initiated on the Nisan 1, 457 B.C. Strong’s Hebrew for the number 354 means “stag”/”deer” and Strong’s Greek for 354 means “a taking up”, pointing to the rapture allegory in Song of Solomon Ch 2. 354 is also the number of days in a lunar year and moon is symbolic of the church/bride of Christ.

If 5783 is a jubilee year, then according to the Torah that marks it as a year of liberty & redemption, and pointing to restoration of what was lost at Eden. (Also, recovery of sight to the blind, which points to the scales from the Jews’ eyes getting removed.)

Additionally, seeing that the Jubilee is the year of “liberty” and “redemption,” it is significant that:

• Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles, speaks of the “liberty” and “bodily redemption” of the Church at the Lord’s coming (Rom. 8:19–23).

• Jesus tells the Church that when they see the signs of His coming, to look up because their “redemption” is near (Luke 21:28).

• Christians are said to be sealed by the Holy Spirit unto the day of “redemption” (Eph. 4:30).

• In the Book of Ruth, a Gentile maid, a type of the Church, is “redeemed” by marriage to a Jewish Kinsman, a type of Jesus (Ruth 4).

14. The Revelation 12 Sign

The great sign in the heavens – the literal fulfillment of Revelation 12:1-2 – occurred back in 2017 on the Feast of Trumpets, confirming that we are indeed in the very last days. It’s a little difficult to describe in words, so I’ve included these videos to explain it. (9 month ‘gestation’ and the man-child who will rule as king is born)  (the ‘conception’ comet!)

It’s an astronomical sign, but the symbolic meaning is clear. The woman represents Israel and the child is the church. The church gets raptured up, and then Israel gets persecuted (goes through their 7 years of trouble: the 70th week of Daniel). With this sign in the heavens, God is letting His people know: we are there. The time is at hand.

Update: I created a Twitter thread that explains this sign fairly well:

15. The Abomination of Desolation, Daniel’s Numbers, and the lifespan of Isaac

“From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days. Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days.” (Daniel 12:11-12)

(The day-for-a-year pattern is well-established in Bible prophecy.)

604-3 B.C. – Nebuchadnezzar ends daily sacrifice at the Temple in Jerusalem 
1290 years later… 
687-8 A.D. – Muslim Dome of the Rock set up on Temple Mount 
1335 years later… 
2022-3 A.D. – (Rapture & sudden destruction)

604-3 B.C. really stands out as THE year that a lot of Daniel’s prophecies are tethered to. And we can confirm that year as an anchor using the following astonishing alignment, which simply uses the “Daniel year count” numbers: 1260, 1290, and 1335:

604-3 B.C. — 1260+1260 —> 1917-8 (Nov 1917 – Balfour Declaration; Dec 1917 – Jerusalem liberated from Ottoman Empire after 400 years of rule) 
604-3 B.C. —– 1260+1290 —–> 1947-8 (May 1948 – Re-establishment of National Israel) 
604-3 B.C. ——- 1290+1290 ——-> 1977-8 (Sep 1978 – Camp David accords; beginning of “peace and security”)
604-3 B.C. ——— 1290+1335 ———> 2022-2023 (Rapture & sudden destruction) 

Also, there is a spectacular symmetrical structure that pivots around the year of the abomination of desolation* in 687-8 A.D. I won’t post the whole thing here, but I will mention one fascinating point. In 648 B.C., exactly 1335 years before the AoD, Ashurbanipal sacked the city of Babylon and set fire to it. Exactly 1335 years after the AoD is 2023. Therefore we can expect Babylon (U.S.A., in my opinion) to be attacked and “burned” again. The extent to which the U.S.A. is destroyed is unknown, but I assume it will not be total, as it must still rise from the ashes afterwards “like a phoenix” under Donald #2.

648 B.C. <—–1335—–> 688 A.D. <—–1335—–> 2023 A.D.

One final interesting alignment. Jews first made Aliyah in 1882 (they actually observed the 1888-1889 shemitah). From 1882-3 to 2029-30 (5643 and 5790) is exactly 3 Jubilees, or 147 years. So if Jesus’ Kingdom is established in 2029-30, they can say that the state of Israel had “lived” for 147 years. Who else lived 147 years? Jacob, the original “Israel” (Genesis 47:28)!

*The Muslim Dome of the Rock is not the actual abomination of desolation, but more like a prophetic type or shadow. The actual abomination of desolation occurs in the midpoint of the Great Tribulation.

Note:To balance readability and accuracy, I used the 2 year notation (e.g. 2022-3) to show the Gregorian years which straddle the Hebrew years, since the prophecies themselves are actually based upon Hebrew years.

16. Nebuchadnezzar’s Tree

***will add later – Here is the info:

17. Exactly 70 Jubilees since Israel first entered the promised land

Assuming the Jordan crossing occurred in Spring 1408 B.C., then the counting began immediately. That means the 1st Jubilee occurred on Nisan 10, 1359 B.C., and the 70th Jubilee occurred on Nisan 10, 2023 A.D. Other estimates place the crossing of the Jordan in Spring 1407 B.C., which means the 70th Jubilee will occur on Nisan 10, 2024 A.D. Either way, we are right in that period of the 70th Jubilee, which is remarkable!

This information was collected from various sources. Credit and thanks goes to these YouTube channels:

IMPORTANT WARNING to anyone still here after the rapture:
1) do not take any of their covid “vaccines” – they are EVIL
2) don’t believe the alien/UFO stuff, it’s a massive lie
3) watch out for the mark of the beast – it’s coming

+ posts

Dana H


Michael Hilbert · April 27, 2022 at 6:22 am

Thank You for your knowledge and insight. It comes from God. I am not well schooled in the Hebrew calendar although we celebrate Passover not Ishtar. If there is a “Rapture” I believe we are included in the Bride of Christ. God Bless.

Danielle · April 27, 2022 at 6:46 am

16. The Revelation 12 sign was on September 23, 2017.

Very well laid out! Great Work D. Hata!!!

Danielle · April 27, 2022 at 7:18 am

16. The Revelation 12 sign was on September 23, 2017! Great work D. Hata! This is very well laid out!!!

Michael Hilbert · April 27, 2022 at 3:30 pm

I have been taught there is no rapture but only 5 months (May-Sept) of Tribulation with only 10 days of trial individually with not a hair on our head to be harmed. (The Annointed) A conversation would be nice. That still fits in this analysis.

Sheri Clarke · August 17, 2023 at 9:15 pm

Your insight is wonderful and I am studying as much as I can from all your studies and research! I was wondering what your thoughts are on where we are on the end times timeline? I’m a bit conflicted on where we might be because I always thought (was taught) the AC would receive the head wound halfway through the Tribulation but right now I see the AC being “persecuted” to imitate Jesus. I think if he’s being persecuted and soon to be arrested, then soon the death wound should occur. If that’s the case, are we midway through the 7 years already? I always believed we’d have been taken up in a Pre-Trib Rapture. I’d love your insight on this, please!

    Dana H · August 18, 2023 at 9:44 am

    Hi Sheri. Scripture is clear that 70th week of Daniel begins with the Antichrist strengthening or confirming a 7 year covenant, and that the rapture must happen prior to that. As for the head wound, I believe that happens halfway through the week, just as Jesus was “cut off” halfway through a week. Thanks for your comment!

      Sheri Clarke · August 18, 2023 at 3:57 pm

      Just making sure I was still on track and keeping my thinking straight! 😁 Thank you, Dana!

D · August 21, 2024 at 10:05 pm

Isnt this something ?
August 22th 8/22

Genesis 8:22 ( last verse in this chapter)

While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

This IS the first time H 7019 “summer” is used in the Bible

The 1st with 26 remaining in the Bible

1st with 23 remaining in the Old Testament ( which means there’s “24” in the Old Testament!)

AND it’s the 5000th word from the beginning

It’s the first and only time “seed time” is used

It’s the 1st time “remaineth” is used in the Bible with 36 remaining

It’s the 1st time “harvest” is used, 60 remaining

You see H776 is the very first word of this verse -> and coincidentally, the first Olympics was in 776 BC!
AND it’s very first use is in the very first verse of the Bible , Genesis 1:1, the 10th word!

This here is big. Real big

Den · August 21, 2024 at 10:05 pm

Isnt this something ?
August 22th 8/22

Genesis 8:22 ( last verse in this chapter)

While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

This IS the first time H 7019 “summer” is used in the Bible

The 1st with 26 remaining in the Bible

1st with 23 remaining in the Old Testament ( which means there’s “24” in the Old Testament!)

AND it’s the 5000th word from the beginning

It’s the first and only time “seed time” is used

It’s the 1st time “remaineth” is used in the Bible with 36 remaining

It’s the 1st time “harvest” is used, 60 remaining

You see H776 is the very first word of this verse -> and coincidentally, the first Olympics was in 776 BC!
AND it’s very first use is in the very first verse of the Bible , Genesis 1:1, the 10th word!

This here is big. Real big

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